inspire > knowledge

By ThinkDesign Group 10 years ago
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Stop Carp Coalition • Infographic

Knowledge is power for the Stop Carp movement: helping people to understand how harmful invasive carp could be to Minnesota, or what they could do to help, is key to bringing them on board. Our approach was to use eye-catching illustration to convey the danger and immediacy of the issue. This campaign specifically focused on ways to inform boaters about the danger of using river locks—one of the major ways invasive carp move upstream. Following the campaign’s launch, Congress voted to close the Upper St. Anthony Falls Lock and Dam on June 10, 2015, to help prevent invasive carp from getting into the Great Lakes. To read more about our work on the Stop Invasive Carp System, see Designing the Fight against Invasive Carp

Stop Invasive Carp Infographic

  Environment, Infographic, Nonprofit,
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